Monday, March 18, 2013

4 Week Post OP - 3/13

Sorry this Post Op update is late........

STALLS - I asked and this is what happen...


I received GREAT advice.

-don't stress out
-work out
-only weigh 1-2 times a week
-focus on each day
-it takes time for your body to adjust

I am doing all of these things...having FAITH!!

Thursday, March 7, 2013

3 Week Post Op

I am so shocked it's only been 3 week since my surgery. I am feeling pretty good. I started to walk this week. I am loving being able to move my body even if it's at a slow pace.

I learned the hard way to EAT SLOW!! It's so easy not. I was eating small bites of chicken and did not take my time and I got sick. And let me tell you that was not fun at all. It's a great reminder that I need to take my time.

I am down 23 pounds. I am starting to wear a few items that I have not been able to wear in a LONG LONG time. I literally have 2 sections in my closet. The left where I see my smaller clothes then the right where all my larger clothes are hanging.

Overall, I am still very happy I did this - it is just sooo crazy that it's over and here I am typing about it...very surreal.