Wednesday, November 20, 2013


I am finally giving an update. I think the truth of the matter is that my weight loss has been slower than I like and I didn't how to handle. I am currently 178. I have stayed the same for a LONG TIME. But I have learned to look at the BIG picture, which is.....I have lost 53  pounds since Feb. Over all not too bad. Would I like it to be more...YES. But it's the journey. I love my sleeve. I am grateful every day that I have a reminder how far I have come.

It has been nice fitting into smaller clothes but now I am really ready for my final stretch. I have made a few personal goals. I need to keep eating slow, TRACK what I am eating. I am eating protein and working out at least 4 days a week. My goal is to be 155. I would love to meet that by 2/13 (my year anniversary) of my sleeve. We shall see what happens. I am gong to give it my all. I am back online with a computer that actually works.

So here I go writing again.

: )

Sunday, April 7, 2013

UPDATES - Week 7


I have been slacking in the updating my blog.

So here are the latest updates -

Week 1 16
Week 2   4
Week 3   3
Week 4   3
Week 5   0
Week 6  1
Week 7   3

Total down 30

Week 5 and 6 were very much learning weeks about not stressing about the scale. I know the weight will come off and it will take time.

I don't have a huge desire to eat. I get hungry. Something will sound good and after a few bites...I am full. I love that. I feel more normal with my sleeve. I feel like I can go out and have fun with my friends. Take a few bites and focus on talking and connecting instead of thinking....I want more bread.

I have a great support team too. I met a girl when I was at the OCC and we are sleeve buddies. I love it. I can text her and ask her how she is doing and she will do the same. It's great.

My issue right now is....EAT SLOW. In the fast paced world that we live in...this is hard. I can't do that all the time but I am learning. I also need to drink my more water.

GOALS for the week -


Have a great day ya'll!!!!

Monday, March 18, 2013

4 Week Post OP - 3/13

Sorry this Post Op update is late........

STALLS - I asked and this is what happen...


I received GREAT advice.

-don't stress out
-work out
-only weigh 1-2 times a week
-focus on each day
-it takes time for your body to adjust

I am doing all of these things...having FAITH!!

Thursday, March 7, 2013

3 Week Post Op

I am so shocked it's only been 3 week since my surgery. I am feeling pretty good. I started to walk this week. I am loving being able to move my body even if it's at a slow pace.

I learned the hard way to EAT SLOW!! It's so easy not. I was eating small bites of chicken and did not take my time and I got sick. And let me tell you that was not fun at all. It's a great reminder that I need to take my time.

I am down 23 pounds. I am starting to wear a few items that I have not been able to wear in a LONG LONG time. I literally have 2 sections in my closet. The left where I see my smaller clothes then the right where all my larger clothes are hanging.

Overall, I am still very happy I did this - it is just sooo crazy that it's over and here I am typing about it...very surreal.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

2nd week Post op

I have lost about 20 pounds since my surgery. Which is great. Ivan trying not to weigh everyday but that is hard.

I feel pretty good. Last week I was not hungry at all and this week I feel like my body needs more protein. I am going to try and add more to my shake and go from there.

I am ready for soft foods. Just one more week and I can start.


Wednesday, February 20, 2013

1 Week Update

It's been a week since my surgery. I am feeling pretty good. I went back to work yesterday for the first time. I think I over did it because I am tired and sore today. But trying to lay low today. I am overall feeling good. Drinking water, eating small portions of soup and not really hungry. It's an odd feeling.

More updates to come.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

It's Done

I am back from my surgery and wanted to give updates.

I/we (my husband and I) left on the 13th and was picked up by the medical van. There was another couple inside which was refreshing. We talked about how we found Dr. Ortiz and I told him about the vertical sleeve blog.

We arrived to the border and was told to get out of the van with our belongings and go through the X-ray and touch a button. If was it was green then we were in without having our bags checked. We passed and didn't have to show any ID. We waited for the van to pull around and literally in minutes we arrived at the OCC.

It was surreal reading and looking at videos on line and then boom! Here we were standing at the front desk. We checked in and Dr. Ortiz was buzzing around. He has a million dollar smile.

After checking in my name was quickly called and I was sent to the nutritionist. I liked her immediately. She took my height and weight and they asked a series of questions and calculated my weight goal. Then went through a presentation of info that was helpful. She basically referred to my new sleeve as a babies tummy. Which makes total sense. You have to eat slow, drink slow or you will throw it up. :) which is just like a baby.

I then went back into the waiting room and they called me again to meet with another Dr. He asked more health questions and did a EKG. I was good to go.

Then my name was called to get my blood work done. It's hard for anyone to fine a good vein but they did. She did not speak very much English but was super nice and got it on the first try and I was sooo happy.

Then I waited and they called my name and I got my room. I got into the gown, hair net, paper undies and they started the IV.

I was then ready to rock. I had help walking to the operating table. The removed my nail polish off of my right index finger and started the meds.

I woke up hours later and kept asking my husband, "is it over??". I asked this about three or four times. At 7pm my husband was told he had to leave and it's their policy so I can rest and sleep. I was so out if it! He didn't want to leave but he needed rest as well.

I woke up in the middle of the night and had to pee very badly and called for help. I was in pain and needed more meds. I was dizzy and feeling out of sorts. Once I got back into bed I was better and woke up to my husband at 7 am.

At that time I felt sore on my left side, throat was sore and felt tightness where the drain was in. All was normal. I stayed in the room for most of the day and then about 2ish they removed my IV and I changed into my clothes and went to the Marriott. I took sips of water and ordered broth and took easy the rest of the day and took the meds.

I woke up feeling still sore on my left side and my throat was better. I went back to the OCC they weighed me and made sure everything was on track. On the way back a bunch if us went to Walmart and bought a few things and then back to the room and I went to rest.

The next morning I took the shuttle and they did a leak test which I passed then they removed my drain!!! I felt SO much better. I was soooo happy!!!

We went back to the hotel and packed up and checked out. We got into the van and headed to the border. The driver has this down. He had a wheel chair in the back and told us to go to the front of the line and we did. Showed them our passport cards and then we were picked up taken to the airport.

I wake today feeling good and so happy this went well and look forward to being healthy!!!

Loves y'all !

Tuesday, February 12, 2013


I am not sure how I am going to sleep tonight. Well I guess with my eyes shut. Lol.

But really, so much going through my mind and I know I am doing the right thing. Repeat!



Wow. I cannot believe tomorrow is the day that will change my life.

I am excited and have a few nerves but I am just ready to wake out of surgery and get started!!

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Wow - 7 Days away

I cannot believe it's soooo close.

I have paid, all to the paper work is in, tickets booked.

I did go through an odd mourning period of food. I said good bye to my favorites. Now I am on a liquid diet and this part is not FUN!!!! UUUGG. But I know I am doing the right thing.

I was pretty closed lipped about my Sleeve but now I can't shut up about it. I am not telling my coworkers at this time because I want to keep that part private. But I have talked my friends ears off like crazy.

I keep looking at clothes and thinking about how I am going to feel in the summer time. I HATED summer last year. I remember trying to fit into a pair of black shorts and had to use a girdle to smooth my stomach. But then I couldn't even run around with my kids because they were so tight. It was awful. F**ing awful.

I know life is so short and time flies by so fast and feeling good and happy from the inside out is so important. I did work with a therapist about being happy at any weight. Because even at my lowest I always thought I should be lower. Those DAYS ARE GONE!!! I am going to appreciate healthy BMI.

Here's to a quick 7 days!!!

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

15 More days!!

I am feeling nervous - and excited. I started my preop early because I still have weight to lose before the 13th of Feb. I am nervous and just want to do this and get it over with.

Most everyone I love and care about have been super supportive. I am going through all the last minute details and trying to make a check list what to bring. I am excited and nervous all at the same time.

Monday, January 21, 2013

Making a list

I am starting to get my check list together. I am getting nervous!!!

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Count DOWN is on!!!!

I am GETTING SOOOO excited. A month and a day my journey starts. :)  Getting sooo ready.